Reviving This Blog: Part 2
...and I missed the one week goal. By far.
(02.05.2021, for reference)

To explain my long-term absence right after making a post about reviving this blog, I pretty much just... forgot about it. I could not fit blog writing in with my schedule, so the blog collected dust for a little while before I forgot about it completely. But what have I been up to these days?

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I was enrolled in a full-online school, meaning that there's absolutely no need to go anywhere. This is a lot less time-consuming than regular school, but still took up much of my day. I'm on a break right now, so I'll at least try to fulfill mine at least one-blog-per-week promise.

As for guitar covers, I hope to release one within the next few months. I will be posting on the same channel that I used for videogames. I don't know if gaming videos will return in the future, but we'll see.

And finally, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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