Reviving this blog
Somehow, I managed to miss the one year anniversary.
(16.10.20, just for reference)
I apologize profusely for the past year of inactivity. Time flies, and it's pretty hard to believe that the last time I was somewhat active was in August of 2019. I just lost a bit of motivation to continue writing. However, I have decided to keep this alive since I created this website, and I'm not letting it go to waste. Now I will update the website, and work more to make it more user-friendly. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to message me at, or over my Discord (located on the blog home page).

So far, I have only done two things to upgrade the website: first, I removed the "show more" button on the post list, to make looking for a certain post much easier. I would have added a search bar, but unfortunately, the platform upon which this website is based upon does not allow for that, at least I cannot find any proper way to implement it.. I really hope that they will work on that, but I guess that's the cost of using a simple platform.

Secondly, I thought for a little about which direction this website should go in. I have decided to keep it more or less the same, basically just a thought box with some game reviews and content pinched in. Also, I will start uploading on my YouTube again, maybe even at a frequent rate. I might even post things such as guitar covers, but that may be done on a different channel.

Thirdly (does that word exist?), I might revise my writing style. Reading back on my old posts, all of them are pretty short. I think that I should make myself a much larger standard. This will probably be one of the last small posts, as it's just an announcement. Have a good time, guys, and lastly:
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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